
Estate Planning Strategies for High Earners

Estate planning is a crucial aspect of financial management, especially for high earners. With significant assets at stake, it’s essential to have a well-thought-out estate plan to protect your wealth and ensure that your wishes are honored. 

The Importance of Estate Planning 

We’ve all read or heard the stories. Someone passes away without a will, and potential heirs sharpen their knives in a free-for-all that can take years to play out in court. The emotional toll is immeasurable, with relationships incurring irreparable harm that can last generations. 

Take the case of Jimi Hendrix’s estate. The legendary guitarist died young, leaving his multi-million-dollar fortune embroiled in legal battles that stretched on for decades. 

Dying intestate—without a will—will have consequences no matter what. But it’s especially painful when it goes against your wishes. Unmarried partners, stepchildren, and even your own biological children may be left out entirely, their rightful inheritance lost in the legal shuffle. 

Estate Planning: Local Considerations 

New York, for example,  is one of the few states that imposes an estate tax but not an inheritance tax. As of 2024, the estate tax exemption is $6.94 million. Estates exceeding this amount must file a New York estate tax return within nine months of death, with extensions available. The maximum estate tax rate in New York is 16%. Proper estate planning can help minimize these taxes and maximize the wealth passed on to your heirs. 

In New York, if you die without a will (intestate), the state determines how your assets are distributed. For instance, if you leave behind a spouse and two children, your spouse would receive the first $50,000 plus half of your remaining estate, with the rest divided equally among the children. This distribution may not align with your wishes, making it essential that you have a comprehensive estate plan. 

The probate process can be lengthy and complex, especially for high-value estates. Having a well-drafted will and utilizing trusts can streamline this process, reducing the burden on your loved ones and ensuring a smoother transition of your assets. 

Key Components of Your Estate Plan 

Crafting a sound estate plan requires different elements that protect your wealth and make sure your wishes are met, which include: 

Last Will and Testament 

A will is the foundation of any estate plan. Your will is where you designate beneficiaries, appoint guardians for and dependents, and specify how your assets should be distributed. Without a will, New York state laws will determine the fate of your estate, which may not reflect your wishes. 

Financial Power of Attorney (POA) 

A Financial POA empowers someone you trust to handle your financial affairs if you become incapacitated. This includes managing bank accounts, paying bills, and making investment decisions, all things that ensure your financial matters are handled seamlessly. 

Advanced Healthcare Directive 

An Advanced Healthcare Directive, or living will, outlines your preferences for medical treatment if, for whatever reason, you’re unable to communicate them. This can include decisions about life support, resuscitation, and other critical care options. Having this document ensures your healthcare wishes are respected and relieves your family from making tough decisions during emotional times. 

Charitable Remainder Trusts 

Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs) are powerful tools for high earners looking to balance philanthropy with financial planning. By placing assets into a CRT, you can receive an immediate tax deduction, enjoy a steady income stream during your lifetime, and ultimately benefit your chosen charity. CRTs not only reduce taxable estate size but also provide a way to support causes you care about, all while ensuring your financial needs are met. 

Donor Advised Funds 

Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) provide a versatile and efficient method for managing charitable donations. When you contribute to a DAF, you get an immediate tax deduction. Over time, you have the flexibility to advise on how the funds should be granted to your preferred charities. DAFs allow you to grow your charitable contributions through investments, giving you more control over the timing and impact of your donations.  


Trusts offer significant benefits in estate planning. They provide privacy, as they do not go through probate, and can be tailored to meet various goals, such as minimizing estate taxes, protecting assets, and providing for your family and loved ones. Common types of trusts include: 

  • Revocable Living Trusts: These allow you to retain control over your assets during your lifetime as well as set out how you want them to be distributed after your death. 
  • Irrevocable Trusts: These transfer assets out of your estate, offering tax benefits and protection from creditors. 

Beyond Estate Planning: Crafting a Lasting Legacy 

Leaving a legacy is about more than just planning your estate and passing on your wealth. It’s about ensuring that future generations are successful stewards of that wealth, that your impact on the community endures, and that your values live on. 

Preparing the Next Generation 

Empower your heirs with the knowledge and tools to manage and grow their inheritance. Choosing trusted fiduciaries to guide them can ensure they’re equipped to handle their newfound responsibilities. 

Community Impact 

Your legacy extends to the communities you cherish. Through philanthropy and active involvement, you can both ensure your positive influence continues to be felt in your local circles and beyond and gain valuable tax benefits that contribute to the preservation of your legacy. 

Seeking Professional Support 

Estate planning and other wealth preservation strategies are vital for high-income earners looking to secure their financial legacy. By understanding everything that’s important to include in your overall estate planning strategy, as well as taking into account local considerations, you can create a comprehensive plan that addresses market volatility, risk management, and tax implications. 

Taking proactive steps today will provide peace of mind, knowing that your wealth is preserved and your wishes are honored. Even if your potential heirs are on good terms now, money has a way of creating rifts, particularly at an already challenging time. 

At Opal Wealth Advisors, we’re ready to help tailor a plan that aligns with your financial goals, both now and in the future. Contact us today to find out more. 



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