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Guide to Estate Planning

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While everyone can benefit from a comprehensive, well-established estate plan, the need becomes even more critical for those with higher levels of wealth and larger, more complex estates.  These individuals and families often face unique challenges that may demand more sophisticated approaches to preserving and protecting wealth. And while estate planning might not always be a top priority, it's one of the most crucial steps you can take for yourself and your family. 

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2024 Tax Guide for High-Income Earners

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re you keeping up with the latest tax changes? If not, you could be leaving money on the table…

While taxes are an inevitable part of life, staying on-top of the latest changes can help you minimize your tax bill. Even if your personal circumstances haven’t changed, the IRS makes inflation-related adjustments every year that have the potential to impact your tax rate, eligibility for certain credits, and more.

By exploring the IRS’s latest changes now, you can proactively make adjustments (like increasing retirement contributions) and potentially reduce your liability come next tax season.

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Your Ultimate 2024 Financial Planning Checklist

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Don’t leave your financial planning for 2024 up to chance. By getting your financial house in order, you can kickstart your success. There’s no better way to prepare for a prosperous 2024! Think about what worked for you in 2023, and what didn’t. How can you improve your financial strategies? Downloading this Financial Planning Checklist puts you in the perfect position for just that—a successful 2024.

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10 Ways to Reduce Tax Bite on Retirement Income

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Are you worried Uncle Sam will take the lion’s share of your hard-earned money in retirement? Instead of playing defense in your golden years, design an offense with a proactive tax planning strategy that can help maximize your retirement income. Our guide, 10 Ways to Reduce the Tax Bite on Your Retirement Income, is filled with smart, actionable tips that can help lower your risk of running out of money in retirement.

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Financial Life Organizer: Use Your Wealth to Achieve Your Goals

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As a successful person, you work hard to protect your loved ones. But if something were to happen to you, would they be able to locate important documents and financial information? With our Financial Life Organizer, you can make sure they have everything, all in one convenient place.

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Discover 5 Exclusive Financial Strategies Tailored for High-Earning Attorneys

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You’ve put in years of hard work to amplify your earning power as an attorney. But when it comes to financial planning, it’s a different ball game. At Opal Wealth Advisors, we’ve identified five common pitfalls that can hinder your ability to save and prosper. And we explain what you can do about it in our free guide, 5 Financial Planning Opportunities for Attorneys.

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Aligning Goals for Couples

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Wouldn’t it be great for you and your partner to turn money from a source of conflict into a resource for achieving your dreams? Instead of arguing over finances, you can choose to start on a meaningful journey towards financial freedom—through a more successful money relationship.

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The Complete Charitable Giving Tools Guide

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Charitable giving is rewarding in itself. What better way to use your wealth than to support organizations you believe in? It’s a great way to align your wealth with your values. There could also be some financial perks involved for the donor. Understanding the different charitable tools can help you give in a way that feels right to you—and is best for your long-term financial health and legacy.

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How to Break Through the Financial Glass Ceiling

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Managing your finances is stressful for everyone. And it can be even more stressful when you’re counted on to navigate a demanding career and keep the family unit strong. In this free guide, the OpalWomen team explores common mistakes many women make when it comes to their finances—so that you don’t find yourself repeating them. Inside, you’ll find the inspiration to overcome “money paralysis,” participate in your family’s financial planning, recognize your value and negotiate for what you’re worth, and much more.

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What You Need to Know About Divorce and Money

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Divorce is one of life’s most difficult curveballs and we’re here to help you in every way we can. This easy-to-follow guide details everything you need to know when it comes to sorting your new financial reality such as: important legalities to consider, what you can expect, common mistakes, planning based on income and spending and more. You are about to embark on a fresh new chapter of financial independence. Simply download this free guide and together, we will rebuild your financial future.

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