Long-Term Care Discussion Guide

Around 60% of people will need caregiving assistance during their lifetime. By understanding what goes into being a caregiver for aging parents and the costs of long-term care, you can better set yourself and your family up for a smoother journey ahead

You’re focused on caring for your aging loved ones. The question is, who’s caring for you? 

What no one really talks about when it comes to getting older is the challenge of watching our parents age—and often, watching them struggle with physical, mental, or cognitive decline in the process. Yet, it’s an incredibly common challenge adult children face, and as a result, millions take on the role of caretaker for their loved ones. 

In our Long-Term Care Discussion Guide, we’ve shared some key considerations every caregiver should focus on while helping parents age with grace. From establishing your system of support to obtaining the right legal documents to act on their behalf, there are ways to make your responsibilities as a caregiver easier now and in the future. 

In this guide, we cover caregiving and long-term care essentials like: 

  • How to leverage your system of support 
  • Which professionals to engage with 
  • What to include in your caregiving plan 
  • How to cover the costs of long-term care 
  • And more 

Watching our parents and loved ones experience new challenges as they age is tough, and taking on the role of caregiver adds an extra layer of complexity to the mix. We understand how you’re feeling, and our team at Opal Wealth is here to help take some of the stress off your plate. 





1What is Long-Term Care (LTC) and Who Needs it? 

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