
Funding Your Retirement as a Member of the Sandwich Generation

More than half of Americans in their 40s are part of the “sandwich generation” – that is, sandwiched between supporting an aging parent and still raising children under the age of 18 (or financially assisting an older child). …more

Do You Need to Sign Up for Medicare at 65 if You’re Still Working?

As you approach your 60s, a number of important questions begin to present themselves: When should I retire? How can I optimize my Social Security benefit? And, our focus today: when should I sign up for Medicare?   Medicare…more

Getting Married Later in Life? 3 Questions to Discuss First

The average age of marriage is 32—of course, it’s not unusual to see people getting married for the first time in their 20s.1 Though every family is different, spouses tend to bring fewer financial assets and dependents (children…more

How to Teach Your Grandkids About Financial Literacy

People often associate legacy planning with leaving an inheritance to their children and grandchildren. But direct financial gifts aside, there’s something just as valuable you can leave to your family—and that’s the gift of financial literacy. When you…more

Understanding the Tax Treatment of Your Retirement Income

Earning income in retirement looks much different than what you were used to during your working years. No longer will you be working in exchange for a paycheck each month, with taxes automatically withheld. Instead, your income will…more

5 Retirement Planning Tips for Your 50s

If you’re in your 50s, chances are you’re on the home stretch of your working years and looking ahead to retirement. As you get closer to leaving the workforce, it’s a great time to take stock of your…more