Opal Blog

5 Tips to Maximize Your Charitable Giving

5 Tips to Maximize Your Charitable Giving

Charitable giving is an important piece of wealth management. It’s about aligning your wealth with your values to support causes that are meaningful to you. There are many ways to do that—and some are more tax-efficient than others.… more

12 Simple Year-End Tax Planning Tips to Consider Now

12 Simple Year-End Tax Planning Tips to Consider Now

Tax planning may not be top of mind this time of year, but giving it some thought can help maximize your long-term savings and boost your retirement nest egg. It isn’t something that needs to take a lot… more

Retirement Planning for Small Business Owners

Retirement Planning for Small Business Owners

Many small business owners tend to be self-starters. Instead of waiting around for the right opportunity to come their way, they tend to create it themselves. That entrepreneurial spirit could be one of your greatest assets, but making… more

Tax-Smart Ways to Save for College

Tax-Smart Ways to Save for College

September is National College Savings month. Saving for college is a top financial priority for most parents, but it’s easy to overlook one very important detail—the ways that saving for college could impact your taxes. How you save… more

5 Smart Money Moves to Make When You’re Suddenly Single After 50

5 Smart Money Moves to Make When You’re Suddenly Single After 50

Finding yourself suddenly single can be challenging at any age, especially if you were partnered for a long time. That’s what inspired us to create Opal’s Divorce and Money Guide. But those who are nearing retirement age (or… more

7 Tips to Help Maximize Your 401(k) Returns

7 Tips to Help Maximize Your 401(k) Returns

With a 401(k), your contributions are tax-deductible, and you might get an employer match to boot. You also won’t be taxed until you make withdrawals in retirement. Many 401(k)s are set up as target-date funds, meaning they automatically… more

4 Biggest Risks Facing High Net Worth Individuals

4 Biggest Risks Facing High Net Worth Individuals

If you’re like most high-net-worth individuals, you’ve worked hard to get to where you are. Accumulating wealth rarely happens overnight, and you’re probably growing toward an even more abundant future. As you continue on that path, it’s important… more

Take Advantage of the Sweet Spot for Roth IRA Conversions

Take Advantage of the Sweet Spot for Roth IRA Conversions

Roth IRAs have been around for more than 20 years now. Which is long enough, it would seem, for retirement savers to have heard about the tax benefits they offer. Yet, many Americans still aren’t using a Roth… more

5 Retirement Planning Tips for Your 50s

5 Retirement Planning Tips for Your 50s

If you’re in your 50s, chances are you’re on the home stretch of your working years and looking ahead to retirement. As you get closer to leaving the workforce, it’s a great time to take stock of your… more